
Holly Hocks are not Weeds! Eye Candy in the Garden!

I'm learning! My guru gardening sister NoraDora sent me holly hock seeds when I purchased her amazing Angel Trumpet seeds a couple years ago. While she explained they would not bloom (or was it even grow) the first year . . . I forgot about them. This year something began growing right outside my sewing window and while I was weeding, I called over my neighbor to ask if they were weeds or not. She informed me that she thought they were "holly hocks" and that she had accidentally pulled all hers one year too.

NOTE: My neighbor did show me weeds I was growing (ha a hahahaha), tall ones too!

Within a short time these gorgeous Holly Hocks grew. . . they are over six feet tall!! No kidding! I'm learning. . . and loving it!


Nora said...

Hi Sis, Your flowers are beautiful...real eye catchers! You need to remember that flowers were weeds until someone gave them a flower name!

alexkeller said...

aw, i wouldn't know a weed from a flower if i saw it. you're waaaaaay ahead of me