
Allow me to Introduce....

My sister NoraDora... yes, she's a different form of doll artist and crochet's freehand some of the most amazingly beautiful clothing lines for Blythe, Trolls, Barbies, I can't even name them all.

NoraDora has successfully designed, created, and sold 100's of outifits and you'll appreciate her attention to detail. You just have to see her trolls . . . they are SO adorable! Amazingly she has even designed outfits for the pencil top trolls (they are detailed and so tiny).

Proud to introduce you to her new Etsy shop. She's been slowly but surely moving around more on Etsy, so stop by, give her some hearty luv and if you're a collector . . . or looking for yet another addiction... this is the place! [click any of the bold words to view her shop or here:

Hugs and smooches,
zJayne xo


Art Addict....what a great Blog...have you seen it? I was so honored to recently be featured there and enjoyed it so much, I've bookmarked and keep coming back for the articles. Great writing and neat finds.

Thank you Art Addict...thanks a bunch!